Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sushi n' a Tattoo

 Cousin Emma came to visit, so naturally we went to get some sushi! They both loved being able to use their own chopsticks and eat tempura veggies. Both were eager to sample the sushi part of my meal, but that's all it remained for them due to the strange taste... a sampling.

Ashton came home one weekend with an airbrushed tattoo of a dragon. To his delight it lasted quite a while. We took care not to wash it, or rub it, but eventually it's time came to an end after a day at the pool. He woke up the next morning and had quite the cry-fest about how he would not be able to show Emma now that it was gone forever. Aaron is such a good dad, he consoled him with zero sarcasm and loads of empathy.

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